It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new.
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It's Tuesday Already ??

When you have no job , no  appointments to keep, when there is no one besides a couple of cats to feed and the weather is nice every day ...One sort of loses their concept of time and space .... a little bit like a Star Trek episode.

I wake up to the same sounds .. lack of ... to the same little warm bodies ( unless Honey chased everyone else away) then there is just one very large soft cozy body ... in my own bed, in a lovely bedroom, in a beautiful 2 story condo that is at least as large as my last house.
And a similar view of forests and green lawns with a bird or two.

Hummingbirds , stork-like birds, tiny tiny birds that sing and sing ... buzzards floating overhead sometimes, making me remember those scenes in old Westerns in the movies, desert, heat, buzzards circling a dead cow ..

Now and then, there is a sound, that I can't explain, but it makes me drop what I am doing, run to the lanai and look Up !
And there go the jets from the Naval Base .. sometimes almost straight up .. sometimes just loud and (silly me) thrilling ..

I never hear traffic. I never hear other people talking , I heard a dog bark maybe twice. There is a man who walks a collie, the collie is small and insane. Beautiful but totally insane.
It barks as it walks. Not upset, not aggressive, just mad as a hatter.
And the owner has no clue as to how to walk a dog that barks down a street of homes .. when there are people who might be sleeping or just not wanting to hear his poor insane dog bark.

I had forgotten what it was that made Florida hard on me the last time I lived here, Jacksonville anyway... it all looks exactly the same.
Flat, development after development .. same architecture, same trees and churches and buildings..
So I find it a challenge to not get lost when there is no "landmark" to go by when finding my way back home.

Right about the time I am ready to leave here, I will know the way around.
Lucky for me, the highway is not far away .. I can't get lost, getting to the highway headed North .

We are in some sort of storm watch.
It is super humid and very warm and very still .. not a breath of air, not a hint of a breeze  .. the cats are preparing for their morning naps.
I am tempted to join them.

But instead, I might do a bit of Online Shopping.
The websites that are my current favorites are ....

Amazon (of course)



Trapp Candles

Jacquie Lawson


So how is your weather ? Are you shopping today too ? Where ?
Have a good Tuesday ...

1 comment:

  1. /

    to the unknown / unnamed comment .. if you don't post a comment under a name, then I and the website have no idea if you are a spammer ... so I deleted your post until I had the time to see if the website you left on my post anonymously was valid or spam or worse.

    Thank you for posting the site, why don't you just register and use a screen name if you want to be so anonymous you can use your dogs name etc ..
    I did that a long time ago ... it was a boy dog so no one knew it was me lol


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